4 results found
Age Exchange Community Hub
Blackheath, SE3 9LA
Our modern community hub provides a welcome space for a coffee and a chance to take part in an activity class. The hub is a popular venue for old and…
Carers support group from Irish Community Services
Bexleyheath, DA6 8AS
If you are a carer, this is an opportunity to talk to others facing the same challenges as you. The group meets once a week and is a place for…
Friday music and poetry group for retired adults
Blackheath, SE3 7SE
Come along to a music and poetry group that can help improve your wellbeing, mindfulness and prevent you feeling lonely after retiring. Performers and others welcome to listen and relax…
Support for survivors of Irish Institution care systems
London, NW1 9XB
Support and advocacy for former residents of Irish Institution care systems in London and the Southeast of England. Support provided by a skilled team with personal and lived experience who…