Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Eltham Palace WI social group
A monthly social group where you can meet new people, do quizzes and enjoy visits to places like theatres, restaurants, museums, galleries, gardens and craft fairs and design shows. They…
ESOL classes for women
The HER Centre works with women of all ages and from all backgrounds, to help them escape abuse, find support from local services and learn vital skills. These English as…
Mobility equipment in Eltham
Get mobility equipment that can help you stay independent. Equipment includes scooters, wheelchairs, mobility and daily living aids and incontinence products. Delivery is available in Eltham and surrounding areas.
Skills and empowerment for girls and young women at the Rosebud Centre for Girls
This is a space for girls and young women aged between 7 and 25 to learn skills, find friends and feel empowered as they move into womanhood. Young women can…