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Greenwich Parent Carer Participation Forum

Championing the voice of SEND families

What do we do?

We bring together parents/carers of children and young adults with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), up to the age of 25 living in Royal Greenwich.

  • Provide opportunities to meet with other parents and share lived experiences
  • Support to access information, services and support
  • Run information and consultation events
  • Parent led and independent
  • Official strategy voice – critical friend
  • Do nothing without us – working in partnership

We have all been very busy this last school year, developing our lead areas, links with schools, local authority and our local health services. We are delighted to see an increasing number of parents joining the forum, which is now at 500. In September we will send out a forum newsletter detailing all the different ways you can become involved and to update you about all our current and future work areas.

Become a Parent Champion
Our parent champions help us represent the views of parents to service providers. By working together, we can ensure that everybody counts!

Directors and their lead areas

  • Stella Abu - Lead for early intervention and parent champions coordinator PT
  • Lilian Odim - SENDIASS steering group and lead for housing
  • Kafayah Eletu - SENDIASS steering group and lead for strategy 
  • Carol Foyle - lead for parent participation and PINS. Supporting parent champion coordinator
  • Ölayide Olafuyi - lead for preparing for adulthood

New members of our team

  • Kohinoor Rahman- joining us as the forum administrator. Kohinoor is also one of the Directors, leading on Neurodiversity and Mental Health & Wellbeing.
  • Leanne Chalmers - new member of the management team with GPCPF, and one of the Directors. Leanne is leading on Mental Health & Wellbeing and Early Years.

Mental Health and Wellbeing
We have recently had several positive conversations with CAMHS, in particular, the Participation team about different ways to involve parents and their children and young people in the delivery of and monitoring of their services. We are very excited about some of the upcoming plans, so watch this space for more details to follow in September.

Early Years
We have also been in contact with the Early Communication Together Team and again delighted that GPCPF will be hosting a coffee morning at their stay and play session in September at Fossdene school, keep a eye out for more details coming soon

Partnership for inclusion of neurodiversity in schools (PINS)
Greenwich has been chosen to be a part of a national pilot programme led by the NHS England and DfE to increase understanding of neurodiversity in 10%of all primary schools across England.
This is a joint programme with the Council, Parent Forums, Health and schools and works with school leadership teams, parents, governing bodies and individual practitioners to create lasting change in the understanding of neurodiversity. 20 Greenwich schools were selected from over 30 and the intention is to share learning across our whole community of schools. In Greenwich we are hoping to put a spotlight on the growing needs of children and young people with ADHD.
We are leading the work with parents and schools to support, develop and strengthen engagement with Parents. We have already met with 18 of them and are developing exciting plans to involve parents. We will keep you all updated as the project progresses next term.

New Head of Service and strategic lead for SEND Assessment and Review Service
Martyn Patterson who has just been appointed as the new head of service, has already been in touch with us to discuss different ways he and his team would like work with us to support parents to be better informed, confident and heard, to ensure that children and young people with SEND remain at the Centre of all we do. Martyn is keen to foster positive relationships with parents, so from September, he will be holding bookable 10-15-minute slots after each monthly forum meeting. More details of the dates of our forum meetings, how to book etc. to follow.

If you would like to know more about anything we do or have a questions we want to hear from you.

Are you interested in becoming a SEND Parent Champion?

The role of a Parent Representative 

Membership Elections


If you are interested please email or call Carol Foyle, Parent Participation Worker 0785210492



London Borough Of Greenwich Icons PNG - Free PNG and Icons Downloads NHS South East London Clinical Commissioning Group looking for committee  members - Lewisham Local Greenwich Mencap (@greenwichmencap) | Twitter Contact" findings from lockdown research

Local Area SEND Partnership with GPCPF Memorandum of understanding

Other Details


Referral required
Other notes

If you would like to join Greenwich Parent Carer Participation Forum and receive information about our meetings and what we do  directly please click on JOIN US - Greenwich Parent Carer Participation Forum ( all new members will receive a welcome pack 

Local Offer


About this group

Greenwich Parent Carer Forum is the new official voice of parent/carers of children and young people with SEND 0-25 living in Royal Greenwich. We will aim to:

1. set out the purpose and structure of the new forum, describing the activities the forum will take to reach its aims.

2. Ensure that the new model will be established with effective mechanisms to reach familiesthat represents the diverse and social and economic and lived experiences of families.

3. We work closely with all known groups to ensure that those parents/carers who are seldom heard /harder to reach are given the opportunity to have a voice

4.Ensure that equal regard is given to seeking the views of parents/carers whose children may be accessing mainstream and special school/ settings being supported on SEN support or with EHCP

5. Ensure that consideration is given understanding and reaching families of children and young people 0-25 and with varying special educational needs.

6 Ensure that parents continue to be involved to provide feedback on services, offer constructive challenge to current services and input co-production of new and future services and input into decision making about existing services 

Contact Name
Carol Foyle
Contact Telephone
07852 101492
Contact Email
GPCPF website