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12 results found
1-1 Suicide Bereavement Support
Beckenham, BR3 4HY
Get practical and emotional support if someone you know dies from suicide. They can help with things like funeral arrangements, emotional support during the grieving process and can signpost you…
2 year review sessions including baby weighing
Greenwich, SE13 7QZ
A session to have your baby weighed and talk with the nursery nurse. By appointment only, please call to book.
Alcohol and drug advice
Charlton, SE7 8LJ
Chat to a support worker about any concerns about your or someone else's drug or alcohol use. They can help you create a care plan to cut down or stop…
Breastfeeding hub
Lewisham, SE10 8DX
Breastfeeding advice and support drop-in sessions.
Extra help for you - perinatal parenting
Multiple locations
Supporting your well-being during your pregnancy, childbirth and early childhood. Improve the health and development of your baby through parenting education. Successfully adjust to life as a new parent.
FoodCycle: Free vegetarian community meals
Woolwich, SE18 4DW
Meet people in your community and enjoy a free three-course vegetarian meal. FoodCycle provide community meals to help tackle food poverty by helping people get healthy, affordable food. Open to…
Free bereavement helpline
Get emotional support from trained volunteers if you've been affected by grief. Talk about your feelings and how you've been coping with someone who's there to support you.
Mental health advice and support by phone or email
SANEline is a national, out-of-hours, daily mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support, empathy, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness. Open from 4pm-10pm daily on 0300 304…
Physical and mental wellbeing support
Woolwich, SE18 7LB
This service is specifically designed for individuals with disabilities and their families, but it is also open to anyone in the community who may benefit from physical and mental wellbeing…
Recovery College Greenwich
Woolwich, SE18 6EG
Helping support mental health recovery through learning and goal setting. Students get information, advice and guidance to identify their wellbeing goals and then enrol on a 6 week course that…
SET Woolwich Community Canteen
Woolwich, SE18 6BU
A community canteen where people in the Woolwich community can gather and socialise. You will find books, games and a warm clothing bank on Thursdays. There is also a community…
Thames Team Midwife Clinic
Kidbrooke, SE18 4LP
Appointments with midwives before and after the birth of your baby.