Showing 1-12 of 55 results
50 plus group for residents of Charlton Triangle Homes
A monthly group where you can meet new people in your community, get support and get help leading a fun and healthy lifestyle. It holds monthly meetings to plan the…
Advice and form filling support for the LGBTQIA+ community
Get advice with challenges you may be facing in your life, from understanding your rights, getting help to fill in forms or accessing services you need for a healthy and…
African and African Caribbean Counselling
Talk to a counsellor who reflects your own ethnicity and cultural background. This counselling is culturally sensitive and provided to meet the mental health and individual needs of black people…
Age Exchange Community Hub
Our modern community hub provides a welcome space for a coffee and a chance to take part in an activity class. The hub is a popular venue for old and…
Asian Counselling
Talk to a counsellor who reflects your own ethnicity and cultural background. This counselling is culturally sensitive and provided to meet the mental health needs of adults in the Asian…
Befriending and emotional wellbeing support
A befriending phone line and group that runs activities that can help you avoid loneliness, isolation, and help improve your mental health. The group support and encourage people to get…
Bingo with The Reach Out Project
Bingo with Roger from All Around Magic and The Reach Out Project with prizes. Sessions will run on: 18 April 23 May 20 June 18 July 22 August 19 September…
Books on prescription
Borrow books that can help you, or someone you care for, understand and manage their health and wellbeing through useful reading lists recommended by health experts. You can be recommended…
Bromley Speaking Up Group for adults with learning disabilities
A group where you can meet new people, share experiences, speak up and learn about your rights and things that matter to you. The group can help you grow your…
Call Companions: a telephone befriending service for people aged 75 or over
Call Companions is a telephone befriending service ensuring older people stay connected to the outside world. It is available to anyone aged 75 and over who feels lonely or isolated…
Carers Peer Volunteer Project
A chance for carers to volunteer to support other carers. The project gives you an opportunity to get involved in something you have an interest or passion in. The volunteering…
Caribbean Social Forum
A social group for anyone over 50 to enjoy a social afternoon of games, food, speakers and demonstrations. The group can help prevent isolation, lead healthier lives and prevent dementia…