Showing 25-36 of 39 results
Movement and Dance for over 50s
A weekly movement and dance class for adults over 50 to get together, stay active and have fun.
My Care My Home: Sitting Service
A sitting service that gives you support from a care assistant for up to 24 hours a day. It's ideal if you need support but do not want a carer…
Nail cutting service: Age UK Bromley and Greenwich
Visit a clinic and get help with cutting toenails to help you stay mobile and active. Your first appointment should take about 30 minutes and will include an assessment to…
Pats Care: Home and respite care
Pats Care provide home care services that can help you continue to live independently. They provide different levels of support tailored to your needs including live in care, end of…
Physical activity referral scheme
A 12 week programme that helps people who live in Greenwich manage or improve their health conditions. It offers support and motivation for people to become more physically active. You’ll…
Physiotherapy at home from JLinks
Home physiotherapy and rehabilitation can help if you're recovering from surgery or have left hospital. It can help if you find it difficult to get in and out of bed…
Puddingstone Grange Care Home and respite
A care home offering full time specialist residential, dementia and nursing care in Plumstead. They also provide respite care to give carers some time for themselves. With lots of areas…
Respite for carers from Greenwich Volcare
Get flexible respite if you are a carer from Greenwich Volcare. They can come and keep the person you care for company and keep them safe while you take a…
Strong and steady: Mobility and balance programme
Build confidence in your home if you've had a fall or are worried about your balance with exercises that can help prevent falls and improve your balance. The programme includes…
Thursday monthly seated exercise
Come along to a monthly seated exercise class where you can stay active in a way that works for you. Classes will be the second Thursday of the month: 16…
Time Court Residential and Nursing Home in Charlton
A care home that can support older people full time. They also provide temporary support for people leaving hospital to help get them ready to return home, short term care…
Transport for people with low mobility
If you cannot use public transport due to low mobility, book transport which can help you get to hospital visits, go on trips, to the airport or local holidays. You…