Advocacy for looked-after children

One-to-one support to help young people understand their right to be heard and involved in decisions about them. It can help young people explain their wishes and make their case. 

Children and young people are matched with a volunteer for at least 2 years. The volunteers support them by visiting, befriending and mentoring the young people who have little or no contact with their birth families.

Advocates can support with: 
  • savings
  • housing
  • helping you make a complaint
  • important meetings
  • staying in residential placement
  • plans to return home
  • contact with family members and pets
  • entitlements related to education

The advocacy service is for:
  • looked-after children
  • care leavers
  • children with disabilities if they are looked after
  • other vulnerable young people for example those on a child protection plan

Activities and training for families and professionals.

This advocacy service offers independent, confidential advice and support.
Organisation: London Children's Rights Advocacy

Suitable for

  • All ages
  • Physical disabilities



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