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All Kids Can Breakfast and After School Clubs at Fossdene Primary School
All Kids Can is the OFSTED-registered provider of the breakfast club and after school club at Fossdene Primary School.
They also run a holiday playscheme throughout all the school holidays except for the Christmas holidays.
The breakfast club runs from 7.30am to 8.45am.
The after school club runs from 3.15pm to 6pm.
They also run a holiday playscheme throughout all the school holidays except for the Christmas holidays.
The breakfast club runs from 7.30am to 8.45am.
The after school club runs from 3.15pm to 6pm.
Fossdene Primary School
Suitable for
- Ages 3 to 11
School pickups
Fossdene Primary School
How to book
- Call or email to arrange
Contact details
School Office
020 8858 5585
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