Autism Early Years Group

Support group that helps children aged 15 months to 5 years meet goals for their social, emotional, cognitive and speech development. 

The group empowers parents or carers to be more confident in their own and their child’s ability. 

Children attend with their parents or carers so that the team can work with them on the child’s communication and engagement and adults can learn skills and techniques to apply at home.

Teaching is structured, with multiple learning opportunities embedded in play. 

The team is made up of a qualified: 
  • Behaviour Analyst
  • Speech Language and Communication Needs Teacher
  • Early Years’ Family Practitioners 

This gives parents support to understand all areas of their child’s development. Teaching is tailored to the needs of the children and families based on their goals and aspirations.
Organisation: BeyondAutism Early Years

Suitable for

  • Ages 1 to 5
  • Autism and neurodiversity

How to book

  • Call or email to arrange

Contact details

Sarah Larner
Head of Early Years

020 3031 9703

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