Day centre and lunch club for disabled and elderly people

This lunch club for elderly and disabled people runs 3 days a week. 

They collect members from their homes in a fully-accessible minibus, and arrive at the centre around 11am. 

The day starts with a cup of tea and a biscuit, followed by a three-course lunch at 12:15pm. 

In the afternoon there are activities, tea and coffee and cake. They then take members home at 3pm. 

Regular activities include: 
  • bingo
  • card games 
  • quizzes 
  • dominoes 
  • gentle exercise classes 
  • musical entertainment 
  • DVDs 
  • massage sessions 

They also run regular outings throughout the year, including: 
  • shopping trips 
  • garden centre visits 
  • park walks 
  • theatre trips 

There is a charity shop at the centre, an in-house chef who prepares all of the food, and a weekly Holy Communion for anyone who would like it.
Organisation: Deptford Mission (Disabled People’s Contact)

Date and time

Tuesday - Thursday
11:00 am to 3:00 pm

Suitable for

  • All ages
  • Visual, hearing or sensory impairment
  • Mental health or brain injury
  • Older people
  • Physical disabilities


  • £15.00 per session

How to book

  • Call or email to arrange

Contact details

Day Centre Manager

020 8692 5599


Deptford Methodist Church
1 Creek Road
United Kingdom

Access needs

  • Accessible toilet
  • Wheelchair accessible entrance

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