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Caring connections
A six week course to explore the changes that motherhood brings. The aim of this course is to promote and increase the bonding between mother and child.
Suitable for pregnant mums and mums with babies up to the age of 2 years. Part of Family Hubs Perinatal mental health support.
Call or email for details of next course.
Suitable for pregnant mums and mums with babies up to the age of 2 years. Part of Family Hubs Perinatal mental health support.
Call or email for details of next course.
Quaggy Children's Centre
Date and time
- Tuesday
- 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Suitable for
- Ages 0 to 2
How to book
- Call or email to arrange
Contact details
Quaggy Children's Centre
020 8465 9785
Suggest an edit if you see something out of date or incorrect.
We check and update services regularly but services and information may change.