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Games and Gabber with NHS Community Mental Health Occupational Therapist
A session to help you if meet other people. Come along to chat, play games and read about what's happening in the news.
This group is supported by NHS Greenwich Community Mental Health Occupational Therapists. (for those who need extra support)
This group is supported by NHS Greenwich Community Mental Health Occupational Therapists. (for those who need extra support)
Mycenae House (Reach Out Projects)
Date and time
- Monday
- 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Suitable for
- Ages 18 and up
- Mental health or brain injury
- Older people
How to book
- Call or email to arrange
- Referral needed
Contact details
Deborah Fitzpatrick
Community Outreach Manager
020 8305 0922
Mycenae House Office
020 8858 1749
Suggest an edit if you see something out of date or incorrect.
We check and update services regularly but services and information may change.