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Iona Singh
Registered childminder based in Plumstead SE18.
10+ years teaching experience from a childminder who has worked closely with SENCOs, inclusion departments, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Educational Psychologists.
Has a breadth of training to support children with SEND.
Has a visual timetable, visuals and a bank of strategies to support children and will work closely alongside families to support all children’s needs.
10+ years teaching experience from a childminder who has worked closely with SENCOs, inclusion departments, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Educational Psychologists.
Has a breadth of training to support children with SEND.
Has a visual timetable, visuals and a bank of strategies to support children and will work closely alongside families to support all children’s needs.
Iona Singh Childminding
Date and time
- Monday - Friday
- 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Suitable for
- All ages
School pickups
Timbercroft Primary School, Rockliffe Manor Primary School, Greenslade Primary School
- Hourly Rate £9.50 per hour
- Full Day £85.00 per day
Funded childcare places
- 2 year olds
- 2 year olds receiving government support
- 3 to 4 year olds
How to book
- Call or email to arrange
Contact details
Iona Singh
07745 832 970
Suggest an edit if you see something out of date or incorrect.
We check and update services regularly but services and information may change.