
Kooth.com is a new free and anonymous online counselling service, that is, available to 11 to 19 year olds across the south east London boroughs of Greenwich, Bexley, Bromley, Lambeth and Southwark.
Kooth offers access to self-help materials, mood-tracking and goal setting tools, counsellor messaging and peer-to-peer support through moderated online forums. The forums address issues that range from exam stress and depression to self-harm and relationship problems.
Qualified counsellors are available to support any child or young person in one-to-one sessions.
Young people can log on to Kooth.com from any connected device wherever they are 365 days a year to access help and support for their mental wellbeing.
Organisation: Kooth

Suitable for

  • All ages

How to book

  • Book online
  • No booking required

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