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Mental health advice and support by phone or email
SANEline is a national, out-of-hours, daily mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support, empathy, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness. Open from 4pm-10pm daily on 0300 304 7000.
They support the individual and their family, friends and carers, particularly if they have reached a moment of crisis.
If you can't get through, they also have a Call Back service available: to use this service, please leave a voice message on 0300 124 7900 giving your first name and phone number, and we will call you back within a few days. Requests for a Call Back can only be made through our voicemail system. We are unable to provide a Call Back to anyone outside of the UK.
If you would prefer to write down your feelings, you can email for help instead at
SANE also offers Textcare, which provides a one-way, one-off message of advice and help. You can fill in a Textcare request and write down how you feel, and SANE will send you a response written specifically for you.
All conversations are confidential and nobody will judge what you say.
SANE does not charge for its services but your phone provider may charge you.
They support the individual and their family, friends and carers, particularly if they have reached a moment of crisis.
If you can't get through, they also have a Call Back service available: to use this service, please leave a voice message on 0300 124 7900 giving your first name and phone number, and we will call you back within a few days. Requests for a Call Back can only be made through our voicemail system. We are unable to provide a Call Back to anyone outside of the UK.
If you would prefer to write down your feelings, you can email for help instead at
SANE also offers Textcare, which provides a one-way, one-off message of advice and help. You can fill in a Textcare request and write down how you feel, and SANE will send you a response written specifically for you.
All conversations are confidential and nobody will judge what you say.
SANE does not charge for its services but your phone provider may charge you.
Date and time
- Monday - Sunday
- 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Suitable for
- All ages
- Mental health or brain injury
How to book
- No booking required
Contact details
0300 304 7000
Email support
Suggest an edit if you see something out of date or incorrect.
We check and update services regularly but services and information may change.