Mighty Acorns for disabled children under 3

Weekly group sessions, family support, counselling and advocacy for parents and carers of babies aged 0 to 2 with medical conditions or disabilities.

The Mighty Acorns group provide adaptive support as mums adjust to receiving new diagnoses and the impact of caring for their disabled child on family life as part of Family Hubs Perinatal mental health support.
Organisation: MumsAid

Date and time

11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Suitable for

  • Ages up to 3
  • Autism and neurodiversity
  • Learning disabilities
  • Mental health or brain injury
  • Physical disabilities
  • Visual, hearing or sensory impairment



How to book

  • Referral needed
    You can self-refer by contacting them via email or phone


The Woolwich Centre Library
Wellington Street
SE18 6HQ
United Kingdom

Access needs

  • Baby changing
  • Accessible toilet
  • Lift
  • Bus stop nearby
  • Car parking
  • Adults changing facilities
  • Disabled car parking space
  • Wheelchair accessible entrance

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