Showing 1-12 of 12 results
Abbey Wood Women's Institute monthly meetings
Come along to take part in a variety of activities, meet new people, make new friends and find opportunities to take an active role in the campaigns championed by National…
African and African Caribbean Counselling
Talk to a counsellor who reflects your own ethnicity and cultural background. This counselling is culturally sensitive and provided to meet the mental health and individual needs of black people…
Asian Counselling
Talk to a counsellor who reflects your own ethnicity and cultural background. This counselling is culturally sensitive and provided to meet the mental health needs of adults in the Asian…
Counselling with Mind
Get free confidential counselling where you can talk about any issues you're experiencing. This can help you manage issues and improve your mental health and wellbeing. You can get free…
Crisis counselling
Get up to 6 sessions to work with a counsellor through challenging circumstances when you are finding life too difficult. You can request counselling sessions if you're an adult living…
Eltham Palace WI social group
A monthly social group where you can meet new people, do quizzes and enjoy visits to places like theatres, restaurants, museums, galleries, gardens and craft fairs and design shows. They…
ESOL classes for women
The HER Centre works with women of all ages and from all backgrounds, to help them escape abuse, find support from local services and learn vital skills. These English as…
Games and Gabber
A session to help you if meet other people. Come along to chat, play games and read about what's happening in the news. This group is supported by NHS Greenwich…
Greenwich peer support
Come along to a peer group where people with shared experiences come together to get and give support to others. Mind work with you to find the best support, tailored…
Mindline telephone counselling
Get safe, anonymous and confidential counselling over the phone to talk through any difficulties you're experiencing at any time you need support. You'll get to speak to a counsellor for…
Skills and empowerment for girls and young women at the Rosebud Centre for Girls
This is a space for girls and young women aged between 7 and 25 to learn skills, find friends and feel empowered as they move into womanhood. Young women can…
Suicide and mental health crisis support
Get emotional support from trained listening volunteers if you're struggling to cope or are having suicidal thoughts. You can talk any time you like about whatever you need to talk…