Showing 13-20 of 20 results
MS-UK helpline for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
A helpline for people with MS to talk about anything from managing your symptoms to accessing benefits. You are also welcome to contact them just for a chat if you…
Respite for carers from Greenwich Volcare
Get flexible respite if you are a carer from Greenwich Volcare. They can come and keep the person you care for company and keep them safe while you take a…
Safe places scheme: Find a learning disability safe place
The Safe Spaces scheme helps people with a learning disability know where to go if they need help when they're out. You can get a Safe Place card to carry…
Sitting and medical support service for carers
Get support when the person you care for is in hospital, hospice or at home or needs someone to go to medical visits with. Practical support from DBS checked and…
Strong and steady: Mobility and balance programme
Build confidence in your home if you've had a fall or are worried about your balance with exercises that can help prevent falls and improve your balance. The programme includes…
Volunteer to maintain the Pet Cemetery
Join a clean up or gardening day to help maintain the Pet Cemetery, a cemetery for pets of soldiers from the first and second world war. Friends of the Pet…
Volunteering: Allsorts on Tour
Get experience supporting people with learning disabilities and autistic people at an award-winning creative charity. Heart n Soul is an arts charity that believes in the power and talents of…
Workskills For Life course
Take part in a programme designed to enhance your skills and boost your confidence. Whether you’re starting a new career or seeking personal growth, the engaging sessions cover a range…