Showing 37-48 of 57 results
Meadows House Residential and Nursing Home
Meadows offers residential accommodation for older people and different types of care: residential: support with day-to-day tasks nursing: specific care for residents with disabilities or illnesses dementia: care tailored to…
Middle Park Friends: Group for over 55s
A group for over 55s to get together to meet, enjoy a range of activities, lunches and trips. Activities include: trips to the coast theatre and cinema quiz night air…
Monthly tea parties for people aged 75 and over
These tea parties are free monthly social groups for people aged 75 and over who are lonely, isolated or in need of companionship. They are a chance for a change…
Nepalese older people group at Glyndon Community Centre
A weekly group for older people in the Nepalese community to get together and meet each other, build connections and support from others who share similar experiences.
Nursing care at home
Ive Palmer's nursing care team is a group of highly experienced live-in carers, who can support a wide range of complex care needs. From spinal injuries and brain injuries to…
Observe Supported Living
Observe run two homes for supported living and hospital discharge. This can help you get the support you need to recover so you can return to living in your home…
Palliative care at home
Ivy Palmer's palliative carers make clients as comfortable as possible by managing their pain and other distressing symptoms, while allowing them to stay at home with their loved ones and…
Puddingstone Grange Care Home and respite
A care home offering full time specialist residential, dementia and nursing care in Plumstead. They also provide respite care to give carers some time for themselves. With lots of areas…
Rainbow Call Companions: a telephone befriending service for LGBT+ people aged 75 or over
A free telephone befriending service for LGBT+ people who are lonely, isolated or in need of companionship and feel they would benefit from a friendly phone call every week or…
Remark lunch club for over 50s with hearing impairments
Come along to meet other over 50s from the deaf community to meet new people and enjoy a bite to eat. You can also get free advocacy to help you…
Residential housing for veterans
Find independent living housing for SSAFA members of all ranks of the Armed Forces and their immediate family. Royal Homes Wimbledon are self contained flats with their own entrances, fitted…
Respite for carers from Greenwich Volcare
Get flexible respite if you are a carer from Greenwich Volcare. They can come and keep the person you care for company and keep them safe while you take a…