118 results found
N40s social group
The N40s are a social group that meet on the last Friday of each month, either for a trip out somewhere locally or for a coffee at a local café…
National Stalking Helpline
Get practical information, support and advice on the risk of stalking and how to create safety plans for a victim of stalking or their friends or families. You can ask…
Nepalese older people group at Glyndon Community Centre
Woolwich, SE18 7LB
A weekly group for older people in the Nepalese community to get together and meet each other, build connections and support from others who share similar experiences.
nia: Sexual violence and abuse support for women
A helpline, counselling or advocacy support for women and girls who have been raped or experienced forms of sexual violence. The helpline is open 6 days a week and you…
nia: Support for women leaving sex work
Confidential, non judgemental support for sex workers in London. They provide night time outreach, advocacy, workshops and refuge. Their advocates give women support around health, housing benefits, education and training…
Parent Support Group
A parent-led support group offering counselling, a buddy scheme, drop ins, residential weekends, discussion groups and more. The group is for parents and carers with young people and teenagers who…
People's Parliament forum for people with learning disabilities
Woolwich, SE18 6FH
Forums and meetings to give people with learning disabilities a chance to talk about services and how they can be improved. Come along to have your say, meet others and…
Rainbow Call Companions: a telephone befriending service for LGBT+ people aged 75 or over
A free telephone befriending service for LGBT+ people who are lonely, isolated or in need of companionship and feel they would benefit from a friendly phone call every week or…
Reflections carers' online support group
The Carers’ Support Group is a free evening group for people caring for someone with dementia either in their own home or in a care home. At the group, in…
Reflections Friendship Group
Shooters hill, SE18 3EG
Reflections is a free social group for people living with dementia in Greenwich, and their families or friends. Come along to find new friends, join in the activities and have…
Remark lunch club for over 50s with hearing impairments
Eltham, SE9 1SL
Come along to meet other over 50s from the deaf community to meet new people and enjoy a bite to eat. You can also get free advocacy to help you…
Respite for carers from Greenwich Volcare
Get flexible respite if you are a carer from Greenwich Volcare. They can come and keep the person you care for company and keep them safe while you take a…