Showing 1-12 of 14 results
Advice drop ins at the Clockhouse Community Centre
A weekly advice hub that can help you understand your rights and help connect you to support. Get advice on topics like: welfare, benefits and universal credit from the Greenwich…
Carers Peer Volunteer Project
A chance for carers to volunteer to support other carers. The project gives you an opportunity to get involved in something you have an interest or passion in. The volunteering…
Dementia Reference Group
Help make Greenwich a nicer place to live for people living with dementia by sharing your experiences and suggestions about dementia services. The group is for people living with dementia…
Elders Outreach for Irish people over 55
Free, culturally sensitive advice and support for Irish people over 55 who do not want to use services from large organisations. They can help you: complete forms get benefits and…
Financial advice for later life
Get financial advice in later life about topics like retirement planning, care funding, equity release, saving and investment planning, tax, estate and wealth planning. Advice will be based on your…
Happy Days: Dementia reminiscence group
Get culturally-sensitive support for anyone who lives with or cares for someone affected by dementia. They understand the importance and value of providing culturally-sensitive support, which can help to re-awaken…
HOOP (Housing Options for Older People)
An easy to use online questionnaire that can help you find services to help you live in your own home. It gets you to think about your home and how…
Information and Advice Service from Mencap
Free information and advice service for adults with a learning disability, learning difficulty or autism, who live in the Royal Borough of Greenwich. We can help you with things like…
Information and advice: Age UK Bromley and Greenwich
Get information and advice about issues including employment, benefits, housing, legal matters, relationships and your consumer rights. They may also be able to help you with paperwork, bills or give…
Mencap advice drop ins for adults with learning disabilities
Get information and advice that can help you make decisions and be more independent if you're over 18 and have a learning disability or autism. It can help you make…
Mencap coffee mornings for carers
Come along to a coffee morning for carers and the people they care for. It's a chance to relax, have a chat and connect with other people who care for…
Respite for carers from Greenwich Volcare
Get flexible respite if you are a carer from Greenwich Volcare. They can come and keep the person you care for company and keep them safe while you take a…