Showing 25-36 of 36 results
Mindline telephone counselling
Get safe, anonymous and confidential counselling over the phone to talk through any difficulties you're experiencing at any time you need support. You'll get to speak to a counsellor for…
NHS Time to Talk workshop
Get support from NHS Talking Therapies if you're feeling stressed and it's affecting your relationships. Come along to the NHS Talking Therapies workshop in the main hall.
Recovery College Greenwich
Helping support mental health recovery through learning and goal setting. Students get information, advice and guidance to identify their wellbeing goals and then enrol on a 6 week course that…
Reminiscence Project for people with dementia and their carers
Remembering Yesterday, Caring Today is a series of 10 weekly reminiscence sessions offered to people living with dementia and a supporter (a family member or a friend, for instance). During…
Suicide and mental health crisis support
Get emotional support from trained listening volunteers if you're struggling to cope or are having suicidal thoughts. You can talk any time you like about whatever you need to talk…
Support to return home after leaving 24 hour mental health care
Greenwich Mental Health Hub can help you return home and rejoin your community after leaving 24 hour mental health support. The support is designed to help address the challenges you…
Supported volunteering services from Volunteer Centre Greenwich
Get support to find and access volunteering opportunities and community activities if you live in Greenwich and have a learning disability or autism. If you need less tailored support, they…
Talking therapies for people with anxiety or depression
Get support from therapists if you're feeling anxious or depressed. Talking about it can really help. Guided self-help, cognitive behavioural therapy and sometimes medication may help you to manage anxiety…
Volunteer to maintain the Pet Cemetery
Join a clean up or gardening day to help maintain the Pet Cemetery, a cemetery for pets of soldiers from the first and second world war. Friends of the Pet…
Volunteer to support refugees with the Greenwich Inclusion Project
Volunteer to support the resettlement of Afghan and Syrian families in Greenwich. You can be a befriender, volunteer at Women's Party events or help teach English to Speakers of Other…
Volunteer with Greenwich Mencap
Greenwich Mencap are looking for volunteers who would like to give a few hours of their time each month to support people with learning disabilities. Hours are flexible and can…
Volunteering: Allsorts on Tour
Get experience supporting people with learning disabilities and autistic people at an award-winning creative charity. Heart n Soul is an arts charity that believes in the power and talents of…