Showing 1-12 of 45 results
Advice and form filling support for the LGBTQIA+ community
Get advice with challenges you may be facing in your life, from understanding your rights, getting help to fill in forms or accessing services you need for a healthy and…
African and African Caribbean Counselling
Talk to a counsellor who reflects your own ethnicity and cultural background. This counselling is culturally sensitive and provided to meet the mental health and individual needs of black people…
African-Caribbean Reading Group
Explore new works by African or Caribbean authors and meet new people by joining this reading group for adults. The group is free to join and meets once a month…
Asian Counselling
Talk to a counsellor who reflects your own ethnicity and cultural background. This counselling is culturally sensitive and provided to meet the mental health needs of adults in the Asian…
Basic English - Talking, Reading & Writing Group
Join a free talking, reading and writing group and be more confident speaking English. A dedicated member of staff will be available during the session to assist. This is the…
Be the Change: Support for Albanian women
A project that supports the integration of vulnerable Albanian women, helping with health and wellbeing, food and clothing, form filling, childcare and asylum and immigration advice. The project is for…
Befriending and emotional wellbeing support
A befriending phone line and group that runs activities that can help you avoid loneliness, isolation, and help improve your mental health. The group support and encourage people to get…
Books on prescription
Borrow books that can help you, or someone you care for, understand and manage their health and wellbeing through useful reading lists recommended by health experts. You can be recommended…
British Sign Language (BSL) courses
Learn BSL to help you communicate with the deaf community and gain a qualification. Knowing BSL can benefit your organisation and help you become more deaf aware. You can do…
Caribbean Social Forum
A social group for anyone over 50 to enjoy a social afternoon of games, food, speakers and demonstrations. The group can help prevent isolation, lead healthier lives and prevent dementia…
Counselling for LGBTQIA+ adults
Counselling sessions for people in the LGBTQIA+ community who want mental health support, improve self esteem or to talk to someone about sexual orientation, gender identity or relationships. You'll get…
Counselling for male and non binary abuse survivors
Counselling for boys, men and non binary people over 13 who have experienced sexual abuse at any time in your life.