Showing 37-48 of 55 results
Mobility equipment in Eltham
Get mobility equipment that can help you stay independent. Equipment includes scooters, wheelchairs, mobility and daily living aids and incontinence products. Delivery is available in Eltham and surrounding areas.
Mobility support for veterans
Get help from volunteers who can help you get the mobility equipment you need to maintain your independence at home. This support is available to people who have received at…
Move it or Lose it exercise class for disabled people and over 60s
Exercise class that can help you stay active. Sessions aim to improve flexibility, aerobic health, balance and strength and use music and easy to follow routines. Sessions are run by…
Nomase Home Care
Get help to remain independent in the comfort of your own home whilst still getting quality care. They offer: care that can help you readjust to returning home after a…
Nursing care at home
Ive Palmer's nursing care team is a group of highly experienced live-in carers, who can support a wide range of complex care needs. From spinal injuries and brain injuries to…
Observe Care: Home care services
Get care that can help you continue to live independently in your own home. They’ll work closely with you, your family, your GP and other care services to ensure you…
Pats Care: Home and respite care
Pats Care provide home care services that can help you continue to live independently. They provide different levels of support tailored to your needs including live in care, end of…
Personal alarm watch
An easy-to-use personal alarm with pedometer and GPS tracker that can help you feel safe when you're out and about so you can stay active. It's a discreet personal alarm…
Personal alarms and home monitoring
Get technology that can help you live safely and confidently in your home. It can give peace of mind to you and your family if you're at risk of a…
Rabiannah home care
Get care that can help you if you're getting older, are disabled or have mental health conditions. They provide home care for people in the Woolwich area. They are dedicated…
SAGA personal alarms
A personal alarm that can provide reassurance in and around your home by giving you a way to alert someone if you need help. They can be useful if you've…
Sailing club for disabled and non disabled people
Learn to sail in easy to sail, accessible dinghies. It's a unique sailing club in central London where people with or without a disability all sail together as one community…