Showing 1-5 of 5 results
Form filling service: Age UK Bromley and Greenwich
Get help to complete forms and applications for support you could be eligible for including benefits and online forms. If you live in Bromley, you can get help filling forms…
Nail cutting service: Age UK Bromley and Greenwich
Visit a clinic and get help with cutting toenails to help you stay mobile and active. Your first appointment should take about 30 minutes and will include an assessment to…
Bromley Friendship Group: Age UK Bromley and Greenwich
Come along to a friendship group, join the monthly walking group or get regular phone calls or visits to your home from friendly volunteers. A great opportunity to stay connected…
Home Shopping Service - Bromley
Get help from Age UK staff who will use your shopping list to buy your shopping, deliver it and help you unpack it. Shopping will be done and delivered between…
Sitting service - Bromley
Get support or assistance in your own home if you are over 55 and live alone. This can help you rebuild your confidence after leaving hospital and provide companionship. Staff…