How to refer a child to be added to the DSR

You can refer a child to be placed on the DSR if you are: 

  • a family member or carer
  • in a health and social team
  • in a youth offending team
  • in the local police or teams working with the criminal justice system
  • work in a residential school
  • are a residential supported living provider

You can also refer yourself. 

What to do to add someone to the DSR

You must get consent from the individual or young person for their details to be added to the register. 

Parents or carers must provide consent for children under 16. 

If a child cannot consent, you can get consent from the person with legal responsibility. 

If a young person is over 16, you can use the Mental Capacity Act to assess if they have capacity to consent to be added to the register. If they do not have capacity, then the lead agency must follow the best interest decision process.