Information held on the DSR

The information held on the DSR depends on the care and support your child needs.

It often includes:

  • your child's name
  • NHS number (if known)
  • place of education
  • who is involved in you or your child’s care
  • how your child is managing with health, education and social circumstances
  • any Specialist Care Plans that have been developed to support them living in the community

How long information is on the Dynamic Support Register

A child will be on the children's DSR until:

  • they turn 18
  • risk has been reduced to a level where support is no longer needed
  • a parent or carer writes a written request to remove them from the register

If a young person is still considered at risk, they can be referred to the adult DSR with the consent of the parent, guardian or the young person themselves.

How to withdraw from the DSR

A parent, carer or young person can withdraw consent for the child or young person's details to be held on the register at any time. 

We will contact you every year to check if you still want to be on the register. 

If you have any questions about the Dynamic Support Register, you can contact the NHS South East London ICB Integrated Commissioning Children and Young People's Commissioning team by emailing