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Short breaks
Your child's care package will detail their short breaks entitlement.
Targeted short breaks are activities designed for children and young people who:
These activities are staffed with a higher number of professionals who are trained and experienced in supporting children and young people with SEND.
They are suitable for most children with SEND who attend mainstream education settings or designated special provisions.
To access targeted short breaks, you’ll complete a self-assessment form and submit this to the team with your consent form.
The Short Break team will contact you to allocate your child’s short break provision. You will then work with the provider to schedule the support.
Specialist short breaks are designed for children and young people who:
A social worker may recommend specialist short breaks as part of the care package if your child has been assessed as having needs related to their:
These are activities that:
A social work assessment identifies the need for specialist short breaks. Find out more about assessing children who have disabilities
This assessment is presented to the Short Break Panel to identify what resource is needed to meet your child’s assessed needs. The panel is made up of representatives from:
They work closely with the NHS when a child needs specialist social care and specialist health care.
The panel will:
The professional who presented your case at panel will let you know the outcome of the panel. They may also share this information with relevant health and care professionals working with your child.
Specialist short break support should be reviewed regularly to look at how it is supporting your child’s identified needs and outcomes.
We'll contact you when your care package is due for review.
Find out more about how the panel makes decisions about specialist short breaks:
Overnight short breaks are for children and young people who have been assessed to need overnight support for their:
The overnight care is designed around individual needs and care may be provided: