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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer

Early Years & Childcare

young children playing with duplo bricks

Below are links to information on services and support available for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families in the early years.

Click or tap on one of the images below to find out more

If you are looking for information on nurseries and Pre-schools available in the borough please click the button below.


Children's Centres

A children's centre is somewhere local families with young children can go to enjoy facilities and receive any needed support. The facilities and activities that are offered are designed especially for parents who may be expecting a new baby, or for those with a child under the age of five.

Health Visiting

The Greenwich 0 to 4 service offers tailored guidance and support to families and partner services who work with babies and young children

Free Early Learning

Choosing early learning and childcare is a big step for you and your child. There is a variety of childcare on offer, these include childminders, nurseries, pre-school, playgroup, nursery classes and out-of-school clubs. 

Early Years Inclusion Service

Your child can receive support from the Early Years Inclusion Team if they have an identified or emerging complex special educational need/disability and are a Greenwich resident aged 2-5yrs who attends an early education or care setting that is in the Private, Voluntary or Independent (PVI) sector (i.e. not a local authority school), this includes childminders

Early Years SEND Funding

The SEN Inclusion Fund is administered by the Early Years Inclusion Service; to streamline SEN Inclusion Funding arrangements so that they directly support future appropriate requests for an Education Health and Care Plan, within an Assess, Plan, Do, Review process.


Transition to Primary School

Moving from an early years setting into a Primary school is a key time in a child’s education. Royal Greenwich provides a range of information and support to help this process.