Showing 1-12 of 15 results
Abbey Wood Women's Institute monthly meetings
Come along to take part in a variety of activities, meet new people, make new friends and find opportunities to take an active role in the campaigns championed by National…
Carers meet up
Get advice and support from a support worker who can listen to your experiences and give you information and advice that could help. The location of the meet up will…
Carers Peer Volunteer Project
A chance for carers to volunteer to support other carers. The project gives you an opportunity to get involved in something you have an interest or passion in. The volunteering…
Carers support group from Irish Community Services
If you are a carer, this is an opportunity to talk to others facing the same challenges as you. The group meets once a week and is a place for…
Eltham Palace WI social group
A monthly social group where you can meet new people, do quizzes and enjoy visits to places like theatres, restaurants, museums, galleries, gardens and craft fairs and design shows. They…
ESOL classes for women
The HER Centre works with women of all ages and from all backgrounds, to help them escape abuse, find support from local services and learn vital skills. These English as…
Greenwich Stroke Club support group
Meet other stroke survivors and their carers living in or around the Royal Borough of Greenwich. The group holds socials, quizzes, exercises and outings to places of interest. The group…
Learning Disabilities Carers' Social Group
Meet other people who care for an adult with a learning disability. You can chat and have a hot drink in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. You'll be able to…
Low-cost food clubs in Eltham
Food On Our Doorstep (FOOD) clubs in Greenwich provide families with good-quality food at a low cost, while also reducing food waste. It costs £1 a year for your family…
Mobility equipment in Eltham
Get mobility equipment that can help you stay independent. Equipment includes scooters, wheelchairs, mobility and daily living aids and incontinence products. Delivery is available in Eltham and surrounding areas.
Observe Care: Home care services
Get care that can help you continue to live independently in your own home. They’ll work closely with you, your family, your GP and other care services to ensure you…
Skills and empowerment for girls and young women at the Rosebud Centre for Girls
This is a space for girls and young women aged between 7 and 25 to learn skills, find friends and feel empowered as they move into womanhood. Young women can…