Showing 25-31 of 31 results
Personal alarm watch
An easy-to-use personal alarm with pedometer and GPS tracker that can help you feel safe when you're out and about so you can stay active. It's a discreet personal alarm…
Personal alarms and home monitoring
Get technology that can help you live safely and confidently in your home. It can give peace of mind to you and your family if you're at risk of a…
SAGA personal alarms
A personal alarm that can provide reassurance in and around your home by giving you a way to alert someone if you need help. They can be useful if you've…
Support for Nepalese Gurkha Veterans
Join a social and educational group that helps Gurkha veterans, their partners, widows and beneficiaries adjust to life in the UK. Support includes help to deal with common challenges such…
Support for new and existing refugees
Reconnection is a UK-based organisation set up to support refugees from the moment they arrive in the country. They aim to help refugees settle into their new lives in a…
Telecare alarms
Telecare alarms protect and help older and disabled people stay safe in their own homes. It gives you a way to call for help if you fall, feel unwell or…
Women's party for Syrian refugees
Experience a 'home away from home' with Women's Party. A safe place to share authentic Syrian dishes, dance and connect to others. There is no official leader but there will…