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Get support for starting or moving school (transition support)
Ask your child’s early years setting what their general transition arrangements for all children are.
Some early years settings run events to share information to help children move to their chosen primary school. These events focus on children who:
The events are usually held in the summer term once school placement has been decided and involve:
The Early Years Inclusion Service will assign a keyworker who will discuss what the transition will be like and arrange any transition meetings.
During the first half of the term before your child starts school, the keyworker will arrange a transition planning meeting to:
This meeting will include all professionals, parents and schools that may be involved.
The keyworker may organise a follow-up meeting in the second half of the term if necessary. They will also arrange meetings for your child to get to know the school.
A professional will create a profile for your child to help new staff understand their needs. If appropriate, they will also make photo books of the new setting to act as an adapted Social Story.
Once services are no longer needed, teams (such as the Early Years Inclusion Service) will hand over their information to the professionals taking over.
After your child starts their term, the keyworker will arrange a transition review meeting after 6 weeks. This will help them to review if the level of support is meeting the transition targets in school and at home. They will also set targets for the next term.