Showing 13-24 of 92 results
Bromley Speaking Up Group for adults with learning disabilities
A group where you can meet new people, share experiences, speak up and learn about your rights and things that matter to you. The group can help you grow your…
Carers Get Together Thamesmead
If you're a carer and would like to relax and make new friends, you can join Carers' Get Together for a bit of 'you time' and a hot drink. You'll…
Carers meet up
Get advice and support from a support worker who can listen to your experiences and give you information and advice that could help. The location of the meet up will…
Carers Peer Volunteer Project
A chance for carers to volunteer to support other carers. The project gives you an opportunity to get involved in something you have an interest or passion in. The volunteering…
Carers support group from Irish Community Services
If you are a carer, this is an opportunity to talk to others facing the same challenges as you. The group meets once a week and is a place for…
Carers telephone support line
Get help with any needs, concerns or questions you have about your caring role by phoning the Telephone Mentoring Team. They are available for daily, weekly or monthly calls to…
Caribbean Social Forum
A social group for anyone over 50 to enjoy a social afternoon of games, food, speakers and demonstrations. The group can help prevent isolation, lead healthier lives and prevent dementia…
Club nights for people with physical or learning difficulties
A club night for people with physical or learning disabilities to go and socialise. This also gives families or carers some time to do activities or things for themselves. The…
Coffee morning for blind and partially sighted people
A coffee morning for blind and partially sighted people where you can meet others, build self confidence. You can also improve your knowledge of the experiences of people who are…
Counselling for LGBTQIA+ adults
Counselling sessions for people in the LGBTQIA+ community who want mental health support, improve self esteem or to talk to someone about sexual orientation, gender identity or relationships. You'll get…
Counselling for male and non binary abuse survivors
Counselling for boys, men and non binary people over 13 who have experienced sexual abuse at any time in your life.
Counselling for non-abusing people affected by child sexual abuse
Counselling can help you process what has happened and empower you to move forwards and make positive changes in your life. These one-to-one, face-to-face or online counselling sessions give you…