Showing 1-7 of 7 results
Bromley Speaking Up Group for adults with learning disabilities
A group where you can meet new people, share experiences, speak up and learn about your rights and things that matter to you. The group can help you grow your…
Club nights for people with physical or learning difficulties
A club night for people with physical or learning disabilities to go and socialise. This also gives families or carers some time to do activities or things for themselves. The…
Day centre and lunch club for disabled and elderly people
This lunch club for elderly and disabled people runs 3 days a week. They collect members from their homes in a fully-accessible minibus, and arrive at the centre around 11am…
People's Parliament forum for people with learning disabilities
Forums and meetings to give people with learning disabilities a chance to talk about services and how they can be improved. Come along to have your say, meet others and…
Support group for the carers and families of people with acquired brain injuries
Join a support group on the first Wednesday of every month for the loved ones and carers of people with brain injuries. The support group gives people a space to…
Supported volunteering services from Volunteer Centre Greenwich
Get support to find and access volunteering opportunities and community activities if you live in Greenwich and have a learning disability or autism. If you need less tailored support, they…
Volunteering: Allsorts on Tour
Get experience supporting people with learning disabilities and autistic people at an award-winning creative charity. Heart n Soul is an arts charity that believes in the power and talents of…