Showing 25-30 of 30 results
Sheltered accommodation: Thomas Philipot's Almshouses
A residential community for retired people who can live independently. The Almshouses have a hall and gardens used for many social activities. The charity accepts applications from retired people, living…
SMART recovery meetings
SMART meetings can help people with addictive behaviour meet people with similar experiences and avoid feeling isolated. You do not have to share if you do not feel comfortable. Meetings…
Support and meetings for people struggling with an alcohol or drug addiction
If you're struggling with your relationship with drugs or alcohol, you can attend Cocaine Anonymous meetings to find support and companionship from people who know what you are going through…
Supported living for people who cannot live completely independently
London Care has a number of purpose-built properties across the south east, which allows them to provide accessible and safe housing for older people who are unable to live completely…
Supported living from Wisdom Support
Get specialist support from professionals and qualified staff that can help you continue to live independently in your own home. Support is based on your individual needs.
Three Cs supported living
Get support to live independently in your community. They offer personal care and support to take medication and do housework. Three Cs have 23 supported living homes that promote your…