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33 results found
Access Card for disabled people
Apply for an Access Card which can help you explain your disability or impairment to venues and service providers. Access Cards are recognised at thousands of events, venues and locations…
ASD support from the Integrated Neurodevelopmental Team (INDT)
If you think your child might Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), you can get support from the Integrated Neurodevelopmental Team (INDT). The service provide assessments to diagnose young people presenting with…
Asda Charlton Quiet Hour
Greenwich, SE7 7ST
A quieter shopping hour every Monday to Thursday at 2pm to make shopping less overwhelming if you are sensitive to noise. During this time the noise levels are reduced in…
Autism Early Years Group
Bromley, BR1 3RX
Support group that helps children aged 15 months to 5 years meet goals for their social, emotional, cognitive and speech development. The group empowers parents or carers to be more…
Autism parents Training (Kidbrook community centre)
Kidbrooke, SE3 9GR
The World Changing Centre is a UK charity (1136070),run by volunteers. We provide international relief in the UK ,US and Sierra Leone. Here in the UK we have started parents…
Bexley and Greenwich homecare and respite
Get help if you have an illness or injury and would benefit from support to manage your daily routine or need full time 1:1 support from your own home. Carers…
Changing Places: Accessible toilets
Find a toilet suitable for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, and physical disabilities such as spinal injuries, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis. Changing Place toilets have extra equipment…
Children's Physiotherapy Service
Shooters hill, SE18 3RG
The Physiotherapy team is part of the Greenwich Children's Integrated Therapies Service and sits across the 3 Integrated Therapies Service areas. Early Years Team - assessment and intervention for children…
Club nights for people with physical or learning difficulties
A club night for people with physical or learning disabilities to go and socialise. This also gives families or carers some time to do activities or things for themselves. The…
Health Visiting SEND Newsletters
Working in collaboration with other professionals and networks, Bromley Healthcare offers support for individuals with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) residing in Greenwich, Bromley, and Bexley. Our dedicated teams…
Hop 'n' Shop bus
Get accessible transport that can help you get around so you can do your shopping and on the occasional out of borough day trip. You must book in advance, spaces…
Lewisham Day Services
Deptford, SE8 5FS
Lewisham day services and activities give people with learning disabilities a way to connect, build friendships and learn new skills to help them get paid jobs. Services are run at…