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78 results found
Bexley and Greenwich homecare and respite
Get help if you have an illness or injury and would benefit from support to manage your daily routine or need full time 1:1 support from your own home. Carers…
Blue Badge for disabled parking
Woolwich, SE18 6HQ
Park closer to your destination with a disabled parking badge (Blue Badge). You can get a Blue Badge if you get certain benefits or have certain disabilities or medical conditions.
British Sign Language (BSL) courses
Learn BSL to help you communicate with the deaf community and gain a qualification. Knowing BSL can benefit your organisation and help you become more deaf aware. You can do…
Carer-assisted holidays for people with disabilities
If you would like to go on holiday, you can get support from a carer or personal assistant. Ivy Palmer's care team can provide 24-hour care and support while you…
Carers support group from Irish Community Services
Bexleyheath, DA6 8AS
If you are a carer, this is an opportunity to talk to others facing the same challenges as you. The group meets once a week and is a place for…
Changing Places: Accessible toilets
Find a toilet suitable for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, and physical disabilities such as spinal injuries, muscular dystrophy and multiple sclerosis. Changing Place toilets have extra equipment…
Children's Physiotherapy Service
Shooters hill, SE18 3RG
The Physiotherapy team is part of the Greenwich Children's Integrated Therapies Service and sits across the 3 Integrated Therapies Service areas. Early Years Team - assessment and intervention for children…
Club nights for people with physical or learning difficulties
A club night for people with physical or learning disabilities to go and socialise. This also gives families or carers some time to do activities or things for themselves. The…
Deaf Hospital Passport
A passport that helps deaf people attend and communicate at medical appointments when there is not an interpreter there or in emergencies. The passport will include your contact information, dietary…
Dementia support and respite at home: Mindcare
Get a visit from a MindCare professional who will spend at least 2 hours with someone from dementia and engage them in activities, giving their friends and family some time…
If you have a permanent or long term disability or health problem and cannot use public transport, Dial-a-Ride can take you door-to-door. You will need to become a member to…
Eltham Clinic or home physiotherapy
Multiple locations
Get physiotherapy that can help if you are experiencing pain, have an injury or are recovering from surgery, an accident, an illness or condition. Clearcut Physiotherapy can treat you in…