Action Change Equality (ACE) groups are for children and young people aged under 19 who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and attend a school or college in Royal Greenwich. The groups are based in schools. 

Being part of ACE gives children and young people the opportunity to voice their views on making services in Greenwich more suitable for those with SEND

How ACE groups work

We currently have 10 ACE groups that:

  • run in 9 schools across the borough
  • involve approximately 70 students
  • are supported by school staff who help run ACE meetings
  • represent a range of SEND experiences
  • tell us what they think about our SEND services

We have plans to expand our ACE groups to involve more children and young people.

ACE meetings

ACE meetings are flexible and interactive. The aim is to let participants contribute in an open and creative way that meets individual communication and learning needs.

Over the past year, ACE groups have:

  • told us what’s important to them in Greenwich
  • helped to choose the new Head of Sensory Service
  • helped to choose the new Strategic Lead for SEND
  • talked with some managers from the council
  • worked with The Children’s Society
  • given their views to London’s Your Choice

How to join an ACE group

If you would like to join an ACE group, speak to your Special Educational Needs Coordination Officer (SENCo).

How ACE has helped to change things

ACE groups have influenced a range of different projects over the years.





ACE annual reports

Read our ACE annual reports, which describe what ACE groups did during that year:

Contact us

You can contact us by email at